Where now?

What a year its been!! We've laughed cried and played. What a good summer it was.. we would spend the hot summer days playing on our backyard playground. Fall and Winter... a little tougher...As I sit back and think of our year I couldnt possibly not ask myself... what would I do with out my little Jelly Bean? Every day I look and that little girl with so much love and adoration... bright eyed and happy. Also when I stare into that little girls eyes guilt ovehelms me, guilt that I can't give her more. No not more material things but more love more reading more playing more learning... but most of all more daddy time. It is confusing why we go through the things we do... What plan does God have in store for me? What direction do I take... not just for me but for my little girl? At the end of the day nobody knows... All we can do is pray...pray that we are following the Holy Spirit. And that we might know the direction to take to be our very best self!