I'm going to miss this!

Who would have guessed I am a terrible blogger. What is a girl to do? I guess I have just been uninspired to write. But as I watch these sweet little ones grow I realize how fast time is sweeping by. I absolutely adore them! I want to remember and also share the memories of life with my littles. I  may go back in time for some of my posts, or I just might log our daily adventures. But here is a quick update:
We have lived here in Germany for the past almost  three years. What an amazing opportunity and adventure we have been on. We have traveled every chance we have gotten and have really enjoyed and appreciated the experiences we’ve shared as a family. Tye also deployed for a year. What a challenging, character building, lonely, exciting year that was. I will expand on that another day. Tye has been home for about seven months now and we have been enjoying our time together as well as adjusting to being a family again. While Tye was deployed he decided to re-enlist for three more years in exchange to move to Hawaii. Oh boy are we excited! Sometimes we wonder WHAT were we thinking, but then we quickly think of that warm sunshine beating down on our faces, and then it doesn’t seem so bad.

As of right now we will be moving in 3 months. Tye’s unit is disbanding and that means a lot of people moving all at once. But these are not just people they are our friends. It’s like slowly pulling the band aid off. As each one leaves my heart breaks a little more. It sounds so cliché but seriously these ladies are just like family. In fact often times they know us our kids and our hearts better then our families. We are there for each other no matter what.

Our neighborhood is a very special one. I know that there is always someone to help with the kids or barrow this or that. That’s what we do, no questions asked. There have been many late nighters, meal making and gab sessions that have gone on amongst this fine group of women. They say you never should say goodbye, but honestly a see you later doesn’t seem to make this time any easier. I know I will see many of them again, but at the same time we will never have this same tight nit run over to each other’s houses kind of bond again.  Our kids know our friends better then their own aunts uncles and grandparents.  We each care for them as if they were our own loves and hugs at all. And with all that sometimes the kids fight like siblings but at the end of the day they are connected they look out after each other.

Its not just my neighbors though, it is my adorable friend from church as well. They have each helped to strengthen my testimony so much. They have been beautiful examples to me and I am forever grateful. I can not tell you how many gut rolling laughs I have had with these admirable ladies.  I am so thankful how they kept me strong during deployment both spiritually and mentally.  My heart will truly break to say goodbye! They have empowered me in ways I could have never done on my own.  I will always be so grateful for all my friends that Germany has brought to me.

For the next three months it will be many more “see ya laters,” packing, cleaning and making the most of living in this wonderful country. Although I sure do miss the good ole’ U S A I am going to miss being able to just hop in the car and drive to places I dreamed of in my youth. Seriously who does that, oh wait , that’s right, WE DO! What a tremendous blessing it has been to travel and see Europe this way. When we first moved here our list was so long, I thought, “we will never get to see it all.” But honestly we feel complete. I feel like we did see what we wanted to see  and loved it.  (however I wouldn’t mind revisiting Paris ;)  Well I guess we do have one last adventure, Barcelona Spain, that trip is planned going to be planned ;) for March.  After that we are Hawaii  bound!  Now lets see if I can blog more then once every 2 years ;)

Do you see why I love these lovelies so much?


  1. I completely understand the whole "goodbye" thing! It was really the hardest move I have ever made and I'm still adjusting to life here in Oregon. I am so excited for your move to Hawaii (we may just have to come visit) Good luck with the next few months, enjoy Spain...fabulous memories are what we get to take with us when we leave Grafenwoehr:)


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