
Showing posts from February, 2015

My Life… My Journey… My Lessons...

What a life I live, what a beautiful blessed life I live. Is it perfect? Absolutely NOT. But am I so abundantly blessed beyond my own belief and even comprehension? YES! Yes I am! And you know what I am so secretly grateful for? My trials, yes my trials. I look back and reflect, reflect on the times that I felt my Savior near, where I was humble, humble enough to drop to my knees and plea for comfort plea for him to be there by my side, and he was! He was there he is always there. But it take humility. Humility isn't a sign a weakness. Its knowing things are beyond what you,  I am able to hold or handle. I've been praying, pleading lately to have humility… kind of strange right…. the times of trials is when I have felt a feeling of humility the most and I want that feeling to return. But humility is MORE…. more then crying our for help. Its knowing knowing there is a power greater whether it be a trial I don't think I can make it through or constantly falling short as a mot...