We had the absolute most amazing spiritual experience tonight. Tye and I were able to visit the family of Silicia Dion Sovic. For those of you who do not know, this special spirit was taken from this world after a car accident that happened while Tye and his siblings were driving home from lake powell, June 3, 2003. Tye was the driver and he didn't see the red light, and Silicia passed almost immediately.

As Tye has been dealing with the trials in his life, Oaklee had an experience where she felt impressed to tell us about the accident, in which we have never shared with her. Our little two year old shared with us things her little mind could never comprehend. This let Tye know that Silicia was there and needed him to move on with his life. Through all this and many miracles, and prayers, we were able to meet Silicia Family. We feel so very blessed that they would welcome us in there home and tell us about there beautiful girl.

They shared experiences with us of when they felt her presences. They taught us about love forgivness and noticing the little things, and small signs in life. Most of all they gave Tye the gift of forgivness. They shared with us that they feel that her mission here was full filled, and that a new one had begun for her. She was a girl full of life, she never wanted to miss a moment. She was witty and fun loving, just as we always imagined her. When we walked in there home it was full of absolute peace and serenity. Her mom said right off without ever seeing Tye, that he was exactly what she imagined. And they were exactly the type of people we hoped them to be, so loving, understanding, compassionate, forgiving, spiritual and absolutely AMAZING. They know of a surety that Families are Forever! We are here in this life and we don't know why things happen, and we may wonder why us. But we do know this; the lord is in control, he has a greater understanding, he knows best what we need. We have to experience these things to gain knowledge and life lessons, so that we may grow and accomplish each of our own journey's.

We are so humbled by our experience and thank all of you for the prayers!! They have been answered and felt beyond comprehension. We love you and may God Bless You!

Tye and Chanda Giles.


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